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Acne and herbal formula

My mid-twenties daughter is still experiencing acne and is really wanting to rid herself of it.  I have been looking at Chinese formulas for acne.  I’ve seen some possibilities but I don’t have any knowledge in this area.  Do you have any recommendations?
Thank you,


Dear Barbara,

It is hard to say for sure as acne is usually a multi-causational problem. I have had good success with an external linament for acne made by Blue Poppy Herbs. There are many potential herb formulas to take internally that could, help depending on her other symptoms.  If she has some PMS, particularly with irritability, frustration, or anger, and perhaps breast tenderness, the formula Jia Wei Xiao Yao San is a very easy formula to find and very safe to use. There are also Margarite Acne Pills as generic treatment, but these are a little harder to find, and less safe for long term use.

Be Happy!

Dr. John Nieters, L.Ac. DAOM

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