Kathryn specializes in Environment and Health Rejuvenation. These services include Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, Cranial Acupuncture Release, Epigenetic Lifestyle Consultation and Personalize Detox Programs.
She has learned through her career journey and own personal health that most individuals often do not fit the “normal” protocol. Kathryn continually delves into the latest research regarding diet and lifestyle factors that can strengthen and/or weaken the body.
Kathryn grew up in Arizona, she received her Bachelor’s in Music Therapy at Arizona State University. Her love of learning and desire to better other’s lives have allowed her the privilege to work with the Mohammad Ali Parkinson’s clinic, Hospice, Nursing Homes, Adult Developmental Centers, State Hospitals, patients in addiction recovery and children with developmental diseases.
In her rare free time, she continues to enjoy playing her various instruments, talking to her brother and sisters, attempting to keep her houseplants alive, reading and taking road trips.