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Tea ‘n Talk with the Doc: Five Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss

More than 60% of all Americans over the age of 20 are either overweight or obese. Over $30 million a year is spent on products and services to rectify this problem. Yet, despite all of the fad diets, calorie counting and diet pills, nothing seems to work.
★ Why calorie counting doesn’t lead to permanent weight loss
★ How eating healthier, not dieting, leads to more energy, balanced hormones and a greater sense of well-being
★ Discover the negative effects of some of the most popular over-the-counter and prescriptions drugs
★ How exercise builds a stronger body, improves overall health and leads to weight loss
★ There is a safe, natural system of total body wellness and heatlhcare.

RSVP or for more information, please contact Sarah O’Sullivan at or 510 301 1718.

Where: Alameda Wellness Education Center, 2258 Santa Clara Ave (upstairs)
Cost: Free
Presenters: Dr. John Nieters, L.Ac., Acupuncturist & Herbalist, Alameda Acupuncture

Our 2013 goal is to help you in making the changes that you want. We have lined up several events to support you in taking real action towards your health goals. We have found that these events help us to support you in building community. People who are engaged in supportive relationships experience better health and quality of life. We want to support you in joyfully creating a network to support your life!

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