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Events, Continuing Education, Classes, Workshops

7-Day Liver Detox Program 6/10/17 9-10am

Core Restore supports optimal detoxification and improves energy levels in just 7 days!

Today’s lifestyle of poor diet, polluted environment and high stress, subjects your body to more toxins than ever before. The goal of the Core Restore Program is to facilitate the removal of toxins and revitalize your body’s natural detoxification function. This will help prevent future toxin buildup so you can maintain a healthy, vibrant lifestyle.

An overwhelmed liver can result in elevated toxins throughout the entire body. The 7-day diet, lifestyle and nutrient program will support your body’s ability to remove toxins that have built up over time and create an internal environment for better health.

What: 7-Day Detox and Weight Loss Program

When: 5/13/17 9am-10am

Where: Alameda Acupuncture, 2258 Santa Clara Ave, Suite 1, Alameda, CA 94501
Cost: Free

RSVP or for more information, please contact Monique Cole at 510. 814.6900 or


Calling all acupuncturists! Incredible learning opportunity.


This weekend in the San Francisco Bay area, I had the incredible opportunity to assist my mentor during the first weekend of his Acupuncture Sports Medicine Apprenticeship program. Acupuncturists came from as far as Toronto and as close as San Francisco. It was a small very focused group. We covered a lot of ground in three days of training with close supervision. If you are an acupuncturist looking to develop your skills in the treatment of sports injuries and pain, I highly recommend this course. It will change your practice and your capacity to help your patients. – Jenny Nieters, L.Ac.

San Francisco Bay Area, California

The Acupuncture Sports Medicine Apprenticeship Program

In January, 2016, we will begin another program on orthopedic and sports acupuncture in Oakland, California. This course is limited to twelve practitioners, and the mentorship-style group includes two to three experienced practitioners to assist Whitfield Reaves with instruction and supervision. The site in on the San Francisco Bay in Alameda, near the Oakland airport, and a ferry ride from downtown San Francisco. Practitioners may take these three-day weekends individually or all three as a program.

  • Weekend #1: January 22, 23, & 24, 2016 – The Neck, Shoulder, and Upper Extremity WAITING LIST
  • Weekend #2: February 19, 20, & 21, 2016 – The Low Back, Hip, and Pelvis WAITING LIST
  • Weekend #3: March 18, 19, & 20, 2016 – The Lower Extremity LIMITED SPACE

This program has several openings! Inquire now.
Cost: $900.00 per weekend, with a $300.00 deposit needed to hold a space.CEUs: These three courses are each approved for 20 PDAs/CEUs by the NCCAOM and the state of California.Site: The Hampton Inn and Suites, Oakland Airport, in Alameda, California

UC Berkeley Lecture: Overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Integrative Medicine DeCal course at UC Berkeley is a survey course on a diversity of healing sciences, and medical practices. It encompasses specific fields of healthcare and medicine from all over the world as well as fields expanding in the United States. Professionals from practices such as: allopathy (modern western medicine), osteopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy, midwifery, Native American Medicine, acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Taoist Medicine, ayurveda, ethnobotany, yoga, energy medicine, meditation, psychiatry, chiropractic, and many other fields to share their insight and knowledge in the healing arts of medicine across cultures.

The goal of this course is to promote awareness and expose students to the different types of complimentary and alternative therapies in the medical field. The aim is for each student to walk away with a basic awareness of what each medical therapy and health practice is about and how to evaluate evidence scientifically. We hope that this knowledge will be sufficient to intrigue curiosity and encourage students to search for more information on their own.

Date: February 29, 2016

Time: 7-8:30 pm

Where: UC Berkeley

Topic: Overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Presenters: Dr. John Nieters, L.Ac. DAOM and Jenny Nieters, L.Ac.

Chinese Medicine and Managing Diabetes at Commonwealth Club of SF

eventstarburstisolatedOn October 19, 2015 at 6pm, Dr. John Nieters will share his experience in treating diabetes, drawing on both ancient and modern solutions intended to control diabetes or reduce the risk of becoming diabetic. Learn about his method of implementing tools from five branches of traditional Chinese medicine with technological advances of Western medicine. Also discover early warning signs and how to turn around a pre-diabetic condition through case studies that illustrate the impact of these treatment protocols.

When: Mon, Oct 19 2015 – 6:00pm
Location: 555 Post St., San Francisco
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program
Notes: Free for members
Presenter: John Nieters, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; Licensed Acupuncturist, Xin Hua Hospital

Click here for Tickets

Clinical Case Studies doctoral level course December 2015

aboutusDAOM 968 Clinical Case Studies. This course covers the clinical case discussion of the most commonly seen diseases in general practice including pain management.  There will be detailed discussion of the Western and TCM differential diagnosis, recommendations o the additional diagnostic, laboratory and imaging studies, risk factors modifications, lifestyle and dietary changes as well as detailed discussions on herbal and acupuncture treatment.  Focus on case discussions of patients with cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and endocrinological complaints.

Where: University of East-West Medicine

When: December 2015

Professor: Dr. John Nieters, L.Ac. DAOM


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